(- Ubuntu.. Onlining.... -)

Well well west..
Post ni is d first post yang aku edit gne ubuntu..
Apa tu ubuntu??
Ubuntu tu is operating system..
macam windows gak...

well.. my first impression about this os..
very well developed...
 tapi disebabkan graphic and memory aku xbpe nak besar..
so aku ada masalah hang2 cket..
tapi aku amat suke...
n suki...

for tonite...
aku gne ubuntu utk install bnda2 yang aku nak...
gne ubuntu software center,..
mainly aku nak jadikan ubuntu ni as a place to study...
tgok jer ar apps dalam ubuntu aku nih..
bnyk education nyer apps ot..

hebat x aku...
minat stadi weh...
blajar bnda baru...
then its call life...

aku tetap ada windows gak..
xp sajer...
camner leh ada dua os??
sya gne dual boot la awk...
means bley pilih nak gne mana satu,,..

enough bout ubuntu for now...
will post a lot more about it later..

so...thanx for reading...

-- End.. Hahhaa --

Dirapu oleh :-: Nizam27391 :-: | | Label: , |

Currently have 1 ultra KOmen:

  1. t wat kat saya jugak. hehhe

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